In ATes, There is an option to enable/disable the Phase Sequence tripping mode. By default, it's on disable it can be changed as per the customer requirement. In Ates Remote display E14 is by default 000 (Disable) need to change to 001 (Enable) for ...
Yes, But we have to loop RYB at the ATes incomer of the Source (Generator supply) and neutral direct connection. Also, the output will come at all three phases of ATes outgoing.
Yes you can switch on the DG from the mains of your home through our ATeS for such distance. 1. Generator to ATeS cable size recommended 2.5 sqmm copper. 2. Battery charger should be at DG set. 3. Aux supply 12VDC/24VDC is required for ATeS from ...
1) check whether customer EB and DG supply properly given or not. 2) check whether ATES is in auto or manual mode. if it is in manual ask them to change auto through remote. If it is auto 5th LED signal will ON. in manual it will be off. 3)check ...
By default our ATEs over voltage is configured to 260v. If EB voltage more than 260v then change over issue will come in to picture. so we required to change EB over voltage to 265 or 270 V then problem will resolve. Other customer should reduce ...
1. What is the motor rating ? Motor Rated voltage for all rating - 220V AC/50 Hz. Motor rated current for 63-125A - 0.2A @ Motor rated current for 160-250A - 0.29A Motor rated current for 315-400A - 0.5A 2. Is there a surge protection available for ...
We had implemented one more salient features of 1 Phase and 3 Phase selection in our ATS. Hope the 1 Phase / 3 Phase selection features its very useful for commercial applications ( Like Builders and commercial complex ). This kind of unique features ...