When KVA value reaches maximum value, meter will automatically reset to 0. When the meter resets, balance is also reducing which should not happen. In such case, firmware needs to be updated (to version 3.09) in that prepaid meter. Note: This is ...
By default, Gateway's IP address is This G/W IP can be changed according to customer's requirements (i.e network range). In some cases, if customer lose the new IP address; they can reset the G/W IP address to default. Please find the ...
According to the following condition most of our energy readings will reset automatically. But readings will be shifted to old page. PT Ratio * CT Ratio *10^7 *Ave.Power Factor = units (ie: Mwh or Kwh) in TM(with MSP 148) 999999*kVAh*multifunction ...
1. The Reset for EN Meter will occur at (999999 kvAH * MF ) 2. MF is taken into consideration from kW calculation 3. kW calculation = (1.732*PT pri *CT pri)/1000 PT pri, CT pri at Full scale. Same MF to be selected for both RESOLUTION & COUNTER ...