1. Polling interval time from MQTT Gateway to meter
- It depends on no. of meters added to the gateway. For one meter every one min it will poll the data.
2. Data are not updating regularly from MQTT Gateway to elnet software
- It is a wireless communication, if the GPRS signal connectivity is poor then stored data in MQTT will be push to server once GPRS connection is reestablished.
3. While restart the meter alone its showing the datas after that there no data refreshing happens.( What is updating time)
- It depends on no. of meters added to the gateway. For one meter every one min it will update the data. Restarting the meter is not required, please give variable load to check the updated data in online page.
4. Data Logs were not happening
- Please check the datalog report for every 2 min data is available.
5. What is max . distance coverage we offers.
- It depends on Obstacle. Line of site will be confirm you at earliest.