Lagging and Leading power factor When the current ‘I’ lags the voltage ‘V’ by an angle ‘θ’ is said to be as ‘Lagging power factor’ When the current ‘I’ leads the voltage ‘V’ by an angle ‘θ’ is said to be as ‘Leading power factor’. The figure which ...
1. Check meter is communicating with server. 2. In ELNet Customer Master verify for serial number is matching with connected meter serial no 3. Verify weather 2 meters are configured for same serial number
In PC, you can find a small round Elnet icon in taskbar. If the icon blinks then we can conclude that meters are communicating to the software. If the icon is stable, it means the meters are not communicating. *** End of article ***
There is no option to set the Energy meter reset at 1 MWh. There is no option to control the Energy readings. Our meters will reset as per the below method for both Auto Scaling and Counter Mode. 1. The Reset for any Elmeasure Meter will occur at ...