If 500 device is connected to a gateway - 4 hours will be the log time interval. If 1500 device is connected to a gateway - 12 hours will be the log time interval. *** End of document ***
Yes. It is possible. It's not available by default but we can customize the software to sync time (RTC). RTC - "Real Time Clock" *** End of article ***
SELECT* FROM [Database_Name].[dbo].[Table_Name] WHERE Column_Name='XYZ' AND ScanTime BETWEEN '2016-11-01 00:00:01' AND '2016-11-30 23:59:59' UPDATE[Database_Name].[dbo].[Table_Name] SET[Column_Name2]='2' Column_Name='XYZ' AND ScanTime BETWEEN ...
1. Polling interval time from MQTT Gateway to meter - It depends on no. of meters added to the gateway. For one meter every one min it will poll the data. 2. Data are not updating regularly from MQTT Gateway to elnet software - It is a wireless ...