Once you replace the prepaid meter, you can set the same device ID as before but couldn't recharge the meter. You can't recharge the meter because the new prepaid meter have different serial number. To solve this, Go to customer master, read the ...
Elnet DS should be installed when you connect Prepaid meter with GW2000. Elnet DS is used to recharge the prepaid meter when it connects to MQTT gateway (GW2000). Note: Elnet DS is not required when Prepaid meter is connected to GW1000. *** End of ...
Go to C:\Program Files\Elmeasure\ElNet PPS\webapps\elnetpps\resources\images (Root folder of Elnet PPS). In Images folder, Replace Logo.jpeg with your logo. Format must be .jpeg & recommended resolution is 403x96. *** End of article ***