Article 3.6.1Q : How to Delete & Shrink Record In SQL Database?

Article 3.6.1Q : How to Delete & Shrink Record In SQL Database?

1. Why we need Delete query & Shrink Database?

When the SQL stored No. of record in huge amount. There will be chance of Database crash & data lost.

If the No. of record is log in every 1 min then the size of row will be increase in Table.

If size of row increase respectively size of SQL DB  increase & size of C drive will decrease.

For increasing space in C drive we need to Delete & Shrink record in SQL database.

2. Delete Query step

a. First Take backup of all DB.

b. Take confirmation from customer.

c. Select & Check the Table into DB.

d. Run the query to delete record.

DELETE FROM [DB_NAME].[dbo].[TABLE_NAME] WHERE ScanTime BETWEEN '2019-02-06 00:00:01' AND '2019-02-06 23:59:59'

Note: always use WHERE clause in delete statement. If you forget to use WHERE clause then your all record will be delete from DB.

2. When you complete Delete statement in DB. Now you have to shrink Database.

---> Select Database --> Right click --> Task --> Shrink --> Database --> Shrink window open --> Click Ok.