Please find the below image of EN meter FYR. In EN8400 has interchanged CT S1 and S2 in the B phase and minus value comes in the KW B phase. Also, neutral current An = 5.9 A comes and as shown in image total KVA does not match the addition of ...
GPRS Gateway has inbuilt data storage and send the data to cloud without being polled. Gateway will poll the devices and stores in the memory. Our ELNet MS software will receives the data which was sent by the gateway and stores in the Server SQL DB. ...
If SQL Configurator manager is not showing in system follow below process to find. Go to C Drive -> Windows - > System 32 - > SQL server manager - > Open
In MQTT we do not have option to check the communication in open software like the way we do it in our transparent gateway through modscan or modbus tool. However we can check the communication status of the meters in MQTT gateway web page itself. ...