Article 3.1.1Q : What are the software needs to installed when I use GW2000?

Article 3.1.1Q : What are the software needs to installed when I use GW2000?

Once SQl is installed, Install the following softwares for GW2000 [MQTT gateway].

In Elnet CD Open MQTT setup folder & follow the below steps.

Step 1 : Install ELNetV5.3 Setup
Step 2 : Win32OpenSSL_Light-1_0_2h
Step 3 : Install mosquitto-1.4.9-install-win32
Step 4 : Copy "pthreadVC2.dll" in to the root folder of mosquitto.
Step 5 : Install Elnet MS (This setup will be inside Elnet MS in the CD).

Note: Give permission as "Everyone" to all the root folders.

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